Cloud Application Hosting

Support for Hosting Packages


Need help? We’ve got you covered…

NellNube’s core-managed customers are covered by three types of initial response time guarantees:

Help Desk Initial Response Time Guarantee (45 minutes)
Phone Answer Time Guarantee Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM PT (90 Seconds)
Email Help Desk Response (15 Minutes)

That means that when you submit a hosting support trouble ticket via our help desk system you are guaranteed a response from a Super Support® technician within forty-five minutes or sooner. If NellNube fails to respond within forty-five minutes, you will be credited 5 times the amount of time exceeding our SLA commitment. That means that if your ticket goes 1 hour past our stated initial response time guarantee, your account will receive a 5-hour hosting credit.

And, we guarantee that an NellNube Agent will answer your phone call within 90 seconds from the time you select the department you wish to speak with. If NellNube fails to respond within ninety (90) seconds, you will be credited 5 times the amount of time exceeding our SLA commitment. That means that if your phone call goes 12 minutes past our stated initial response time guarantee, your account will receive a 1-hour hosting credit.



All requests for compensation must be received within 5 business days of the incident in question. The amount of compensation may not exceed the customer’s monthly recurring charge. This SLA does not apply for any month that the customer has been in breach of NellNube Terms of Service or if the account is in default of payment. Duplication of SLA compensation is not allowed. Only one SLA credit may be given per incident. For example: if a network outage SLA event and a phone SLA event happen simultaneously. SLA compensation will only be given for one of the events.

NellNube utilizes some third party services to provide responses to customers. These include, but are not limited to, our LiveChat system. If a third party system’s failure prevents NellNube from honoring the Response Time SLA requirements the SLA event will be ineligible for compensation.


How to Report a Problem

Phone – 888-973-8177 (+1-503-496-5350 International)
E-mail –

New User/s Request

Request Type

13 + 4 =

Password Reset Request

Incident Type

8 + 1 =

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